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Ticket – “Autumnal Equinox”
37,00 ₴
On September 22, on the day of the Autumnal Equinox, for 5 days we will open the portal in the FluRArium Eco Center with an exhibition of psychedelic art paintings and canvases, workshops in sculptural modeling and drawing … and of course music!
Namely, with the selected sound from the Gagarin project and atmospheric soundscapes from the mystical project Dva Dereva.
From 22.09 to 27.09.2020 we plan to open the doors of our Eco-art center for everyone.
We’ll get to know more closely those with whom we are not yet familiar. Those who believe in our project and help it, but remain behind the scenes.
What are we going to do on this interesting day and the following week?
Well, let’s first talk a little about what the period from 22 to 23 September is about.
The day of the Autumnal Equinox is a special day. In addition to the fact that this is an official public holiday in Japan, which is of little interest to us )), the day of the autumnal equinox for almost all peoples has always been associated with mysticism and various magical rituals designed to appease higher powers.
For example, Mabon. That’s how the pagan Celts called the holiday of the second harvest, which was celebrated just in fall on the day of the equinox. It was included in the list of eight holidays of the Wheel of the Year – an ancient calendar in which key dates are precisely based on changes in the position of the Earth relative to the Sun.
The autumnal equinox equalizes day and night throughout the Earth.
It’s kind of one of the four days of the year – the day of the balance in nature when light and darkness are in an equal position of forces without dominance.
According to one version, the legendary megaliths of Stonehenge were built specifically for rituals in honor of astronomical changes – the equinox and solstice.
So, we are planning, first of all, to visit the ancient Trypillian (and later pagan) sanctuary Lada. This sanctuary is well preserved. Trypillians and practically all peoples who lived in this region after the disappearance of this culture came to worship this sanctuary. According to Polish chronicles, pagan festivals and dances on the days of equinoxes and solstices were held on Mount Igrets until the 19th century.
“Lada” (as it is now called), or Ternoshor sanctuary, is a translator up to now. Actually, this place led us to the launch of this unusual project and its materialization. Be careful with your desires expressed in this place, because they tend to come true))
4 km walk from FluRArium to Sanctuary – September 22-23.
There is one more translator in Snidavka – Ternosher rocks. If Lada emanates female energy, then rocks possess male energy (at least that’s how I perceive it). On September 23 or 24 we will make an expedition to this place.
As for the main program, we will plant trees with everyone interested. You’ll agree that we took too much from nature and set ourselves at odds with almost all types of living beings inhabiting this planet. And the least that we can return to this planet is to plant a tree. This is not a mandatory program, but anyone can join.
We will also conduct a workshop of trash art on working with cement. That is, in addition to sculptural modeling, Nita will demonstrate how to create beauty from household waste.
Throughout the time from September 22 to 27, an exhibition of Psychedelic art and visionary paintings and canvases will be open.
Performance of the incredible project Dva Dereva, DJ Gagarin … and many others DJs…
From 22.09 to 25.09 there will be workshops, lectures, expeditions to ancient sanctuaries.
The musical part is planned for the weekend on 25.09, 26.09, 27.09, from Friday to Saturday and from Saturday to Sunday.
On September 27 2020 the portal will close.
A vegetarian cuisine will be working on the territory.
Accommodation in a tent for participants is free of charge. For those who need better conditions we will assist in settling in hotels or in the private sector, it is desirable to indicate this during registration. Price range is from 300 to 1000 hryvnas per day per person, depending on the level of comfort. For those living in tents on the territory there are toilets, showers, electricity for recharging devices. For a fee you can use aroma sauna with herbs and pure spring water.
Organizational fee for prepayment of 300 hryvnas before September 1 – first 10 tickets are available.
800 UAH – from September 15 to the launch date.
The price includes accommodation in a tent on the territory, attendance of all workshops, activities, excursions, concerts, performances, the whole day program from September 23 to 27.
The program will be updated, the official announcement with the participants will appear in the second half of August.
All the money raised will go towards the development of the FluRArium project.
Those beneficiaries who provided financial assistance, those who believe in our project, and those owing to whom FluRArium develops, we invite you to come free of charge. Just come to visit, let’s get acquainted with those whom we do not know, we’ll conduct an excursion, summarize the preliminary results of what we managed to do despite all the obstacles we encountered.
Unfortunately, we are not yet able to provide you with accommodation on the territory, everything is still ahead, so for now we can offer accommodation in tents in the camping area and participation in the entire daytime program, including concerts and workshops.
I will not tire of repeating words of gratitude, thank you for your support and faith:
Olli Kkiukiu
Татьяна Йохансен
Анастасія Салашна
Iurii Gagarin
Андрій Аверін
Алексей Грибоедов
Браславская Евгения
Alex Sanchez
Таня Педченко
Виктория Теджиянц
Eduard Chudaikin
Anastasiia Verbytska
Тетяна Тарасова
Юлія Сало
Тетяна Кузьмич
Maria Shkraba
Anna Shulpina
Liliya Manokhina
Вероника Малахова
Maksym Koliadenko
Natali Mirra
Roman Shmelev
Dmytro Bilenchuk
Катерина Старченко
Maksym Koliadenko
Anastasiia Verbytska
Людмила Ліпська
Василь Гричанюк
Vitaly Vit-plus
Max Andrievsky
Віталій Мар’янов
Alla Fath
Natalka Troyan
Viktor Loktiev
Андрей Козачек
Віталій Олексів
Антон Братусь
test teser ( неизвестный)
Варвара Чепурная
Oksana Nikolaichuk
Оксана Савчук
Maxim Kharchenko
Ира Стефаняк
Атикс, Таня и их чудесный сынок.
Тертиченко Ирина
Котя Котейка , Жека ( Бафф)
Педченко Татьяна
Ковалева Инесса
Каминский Артем Петрович
Череватя Екартерина
Galyna Maikovych
Alex Wayfarer
Анастасия Салашна
Олександр Пилявець
Maksym Koliadenko
Dmytro Ditkovskyi
Vika Ditkovsky
Rough Fly
Андрій Ковшер
Olga Zuievych
If you are still not on this list on Spilnokosht – and you want to support our project – fundraising for the road repair continues, very little is left to finish.
Separately, I would like to invite those who helped, supported us at the start, with advice and action and their invaluable experience: Andrey Bobrovitsky, Volodya Zakharchenko, Dmitry Fyut, Andrey Koyda, UAnastasia Anastasiia Nedobytkina, Elena Steinberg, Dasha Verbova, Vitaly Oleksiv …
If suddenly, by some incredible accident, we have forgotten about you or someone else – write to us and we will definitely fix it)
We remember everything )) and above all the good things that people do for us and for our projects.
Come on this symbolic day of summing up and “reaping the harvest”.
No wonder the pagan Celts called this day the holiday of the second harvest and ripening of apples.
Of course, everything is just beginning and everything is still ahead, but we can already sum up some results, have a rest, have fun and continue to move on.